With Packsites, you can practice essential digital and information literacies, explore digital tools, and begin to make choices about how you participate. You’ll have opportunities to shape, resist, consume, and contribute to the complexities of digital spaces.


With Packsites, you can take ownership of the content you share in digital spaces, rather than forfeiting control and freedom to technology companies and platforms. You’ll decide and control what and how your creations are distributed online


With Packsites, you can cultivate a digital identity that represents you and your ongoing goals. You might choose to share reflections on learning or perhaps you’ll contribute to the conversations or issues that animate you.


Your ability to do things on Packsites is dictated to a large degree by the limits of your imagination. That said, there are some technical requirements and limitations that you should be aware of and might want to review.

To spark your imagination, here are some ideas that might help you get started:

Install a Web Application in Your Space

Packsites makes it very simple to install certain Web applications in your Web space. Web applications are just special software that run on a web server. Usually, they allow you to build and manage a website. The kind of site you can build depends on the type of application you install. Here are some examples of applications that you can easily install within the web hosting interface:

  • WordPress: WordPress is a simple-to-use blogging application. The tool also comes with a huge array of plugins & themes to allow you to create virtually any kind of website imaginable. We have guides on using WordPress here.
  • Omeka: Omeka is an open-source web application that can be used to create and display online digital collections and archives.
  • Scalar: Scalar is a content management system with the idea of creating non-linear books on the web.
  • Grav: Grav is an open source, flat-file CMS made for folks who are looking for something a little more experimental. Grav provides a straightforward framework for creating pages and inserting media.
  • All Applications (Mediawiki ): It is the open-source softwares These are just a few of the open-source applications that are available to you in your Packsites web space.  We encourage you to read more about what Web applications are and which ones are available to you through this project.